Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life at the MTC - 1st Email

Hola -

Today we have half a p-day because ours is normally Friday but since Friday was so soon we have a short one today. My companion and I just finished going to the gym. I did 150 sit ups. I have gained 1 pound since I have been here so I am already getting much more fat :) I am still getting used to the missionary schedule (6:30 is EARLY) But eventually I hope to get used to the schedule and benefit from it.

I sent a letter home yesterday telling you about my first day so you can check that.

It’s been really fun to see Motra y Elder Vaterlaus around the MTC. Talbot came up to me the other day and bore his testimony to me in Spanish. He has learned a lot. Clare always has the biggest smile on and she has been such an example to me. I think she has caught my cold that I had so she isn't feeling too well right now. Clare and I both forgot Laundry baskets but Clare wanted me to tell you to send her one? But i just bought one at the bookstore for like 7 dollars.

The language is going well. We have only had three lessons so far so we are a little behind but we have still learned a lot. I can now say a simple prayer in Spanish as well as my testimony. I am really excited for this next week because we will jump into Spanish more.

In our classes we have been talking about charity and learning to meet the needs of our investigators. It’s been incredible to learn about this because it has taught us that we aren’t salesman instead we are guides to help return Heavenly Father's sheep. We have been doing some role playing and let’s just say there are some people in my district that can’t suppress their laughs (namely me). ha. But I am working on trying to take the role playing more seriously even though it has been difficult thus far.

We have a very small district with 8 elders. Half of us are from Idaho. Everyone in my district is extremely quiet which has been good for me because it’s helping develop courage to talk and to speak my mind in order to avoid the frequent awkward silences. We are all starting to get to know each other better so that has helped a little bit.

As of right now there is not much to talk about because i have only been here for a couple of days.

The Spirit is so strong here at the MTC and always gets me excited to do the Lord's work (sometimes a little too much to where I am unable to fall asleep)

All is well and things are starting to speed up.

Last thought of the day. I was studying out of preach my gospel today about the nature of Jesus Christ and God and there were scriptures about how God has all power, wisdom and how Christ created the world to be inhabitted and us to posess it. The last scripture on the study list was the scripture mastery (blanking on the reference right now) but the one that says This is my Work and Glory to bring to pass the immortality of men. I had read this scripture hundreds of times before. But this time I felt the Spirit so strongly. Its incredible that God, who could do anything He wanted to yet declares that us His children are His work and His glory. It just confirmed how much Heavenly Father and jesus Christ love each and every single one of us.

Miss you all!


Elder Vaterlaus

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